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Community Events

Platform Engineers SG Meetup 30 May 2023

On 30 May 2023, Platform Engineers Singapore joined forces with Couchbase to present Developing with Data.

Data is a company's key asset, but developers often find getting it and using it is a challenge. In our May meetup, we look at ways to overcome this.

Session #1: Choosing the right data pipeline design pattern

Data pipelines extract, filter, transform or re-formatted data to meet the needs of the downstream users. Designing the right data pipeline depends on the needs of downstream applications for accuracy, timeliness and reliability.

This session explains design patterns for integrating data into a data warehouse, ingesting data into a data lake, and flowing real-time data to a machine learning application.

Speaker: Jon Scheele, Founder & CEO, blue connector

Session #2: Beyond Relational: Extending SQL to noSQL databases

Despite being 50 years young, Structured Query Language (SQL) is still the language of data. Developers, engineers and data analysts value its simplicity and power. But new use cases enabled by the modern data stack bring a new set of tools.

In this session, Kevin Johnson shows how Couchbase's SQL++ extends SQL to noSQL databases so that developers can leverage the best of both SQL and the flexibility and scalability of noSQL.

Speaker: Kevin Johnson, Solutions Engineer, Couchbase

Catch the Replay here

Platform Engineers SG Meetup 8 March 2023

On 8 March 2023, Platform Engineers Singapore joined forces with Kubernetes Singapore and NGINX (part of F5) to share best practices in platform engineering and kubernetes, and how to build your skills to further your career.

Session #1: The evolving platform engineering technology stack

In this session, you will learn the trends in toolchain development, across CI/CD, service catalog, security, Infrastructure-as-Code and managing multi-cloud deployments.

Speaker: Jon Scheele, Founder & CEO @ Blue Connector, Organiser @ Platform Engineers Singapore and apidays Singapore,

Session #2: The most popular managed Kubernetes

In this session, you will learn what are the most popular kubernetes either onprem or in the cloud, and how to build a sandbox to continue the Kubernetes learning journey, how to address day 2 data management, security challenges.

Speaker: Yongkang HE, Kubernetes Specialist and Organiser @ Kubernetes SG User Group,

Session #3: Roadmap for your Kubernetes and API skill development

In this session, you will learn how to build your Kubernetes and platform engineering skills with NGINX specialist qualifications.

Speaker: Minyong Davis Li, Solutions Engineer, NGINX (part of F5),

Catch the Replay here

Platform Engineers SG Meetup 19 October 2022

Platform Engineers Singapore gathered in-person (in Singapore) or online on 19 October to learn patterns and best practices for deploying and managing applications in the cloud.

Session #1: Adaptive Apps, a new pattern for cloud application management

Adaptive Apps is a new design pattern concept. Application focused but serving infrastructure, connectivity, management and observability all in one.

Speaker: Buu Lam, Community Evangelist, F5 DevCentral,

Session #2: Smart City in the cloud

JTC's Open Digital Platform will integrate smart city solutions such as facilities, building and estate management systems, district cooling system, pneumatic waste conveyancing system, autonomous goods delivery systems, access and security systems, carparks system, traffic lights system, and autonomous vehicles in the Pungol Digital District (PDD).

Senior Software Engineer Celine Chia will explain:

  • Pros and cons of cloud solutions
  • When to go IaaS when PaaS
  • How Open Digital Platform is using both
  • Dive in to 1 or 2 PaaS solutions e.g API management

Speaker: Celine Chia, Senior Software Engineer, Open Digital Platform, GovTech & JTC,

Session #3: Speed developer onboarding with an Internal Developer Portal

An Internal Developer Portal (IDP) combines different technologies and tools in a way that shows developers and engineers the steps to build and deploy applications. It promotes best practices by showing patterns and documentation so that developers can find and follow them easily.

Speaker: Jon Scheele, Founder & CEO @ Blue Connector, Organiser @ Platform Engineers Singapore and apidays Singapore,

Catch the Replay here